Join the lab

Our lab welcomes applicants from any race, ethnicity, religion, national origin, gender identity, gender expression, caregiver and family commitments, political affiliation, sexual orientation, and eligible age or disability status. Furthermore, we are committed to maintaining a supportive and collaborative lab environment. We encourage exploratory inquiries!

We are interested in engaging you in a conversation about your scientific background and goals for your future career (in academia, industry, or other ventures). We strive to provide excellent training across a wide range of techniques.

Graduate Students

At LKCMedicine of NTU, students can apply to our phd programme. There are two intakes each year - August and January. Application periods are 1 October - 31 January and 1 June -31 July, respectively. Please email directly to Kazuyuki Kasahara with your CV.

Postdoctoral Fellows

Inquiries about Postdoctoral positions should be emailed directly to Kazuyuki Kasahara. Candidates will be encouraged to explore applying for extramural fellowships to support their research. Below is a list of postdoctoral fellowships (check your eligibility).

Other Visitors

We are open to other arrangements as well. Please reach out to Dr Kasahara first.