News from the lab

Visited SIAT, SUSTech and BGI at Shenzhen

Kazuyuki Kasahara
10 April 2024

We went on a business trip to Shenzhen with A/Prof Andrew Tan’s, A/Prof Sunny Wong’s, and Asst Prof Jue Tao Lim’s teams. On the first day, we visited Dr. Ho Chun Loong’s lab at the Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, Institute of Synthetic Biology, where we toured the facilities and had research discussions. On the second and third days, we held a joint symposium between SUSTech and NTU/LKC, hosted by Asst Prof Li Liang at SUSTech. Additionally, we visited the BGI headquarters in Shenzhen for research sharing and discussions.

Yirou received the Investigator Award at APASL 2024!

Kazuyuki Kasahara
28 March 2024

Yirou received the Investigator Award at APASL 2024 held in Kyoto. She gave an oral presentation on the impact of gut microbiota on the development and progression of MASLD in mice. Congratulations!

Dayang received the LEARN Community Service Award!

Kazuyuki Kasahara
19 March 2024

Dayang has received the LEAN Community Service Award in the 3rd LEARN Symposium 2024. The LKCMedicine Early Researcher Network (LEARN) is a club for and run by research fellows at LKCMedicine. Her contributions as a committee member for FY23/24 were highly appreciated. Congratulations!

Happy Birthday!

Kazuyuki Kasahara
15 March 2024

For some reason, March seems to be a month with many birthdays. Happy birthday to Kat, Dayang, and myself!

Yirou passed the QE!

Kazuyuki Kasahara
21 February 2024

Yirou successfully passed the qualifying exam and has become a PhD candidate! The supervisor was sick in bed, unfortunately, but she did not need it.